Do As I Say 7 Day Prayer Candle / 7 Day Jar Candle
Mama's Magic & Mojo own brand and handmade products are:
- Authentically Created
- Made With Intention
- Handmade & Blessed To Order
7 Day Prayer Jar Candle – Mama’s Magic & Mojo Wrapped Candle With Space To Add Petition On Candle, ALSO contains our own artwork! – Do As I Say – Use to help people listen to you and do as they are told.
Price is for 1 x 7 Day Prayer Jar Candle. Photo is just for demonstration purposes and may not be your exact product.
How To Use 7 Day Jar Candles
To utilise a 7-day prayer candle in a glass jar, begin by cleansing the candle. This can be achieved through smudging with herbs like sage, lavender, rosemary or even a cinnamon stick. Next dress the candle (anoint the wax part) with an oil that corresponds to your desired intention, such as fast luck oil or money magnet oil, making sure you do not get any oil on or close to the wick.
Write a petition (what you want to happen) and place under the prayer candle OR some of our candles have room to write your petition on. Place the jarred candle at the centre of your working space, altar or shrine. Light the candle and focus your intention by visualising your desire being fulfilled. Spend time with the candle each day, reaffirming your desire and visualising its manifestation. Allow the candle to burn naturally as much as possible, ensuring it is never left unattended. But if you need to go out, safety first, please extinguish your candle and then relight when you can. When the candle has burned down extinguish the candle carefully. The glass is recyclable.
If candles contain herbs or any other additions, please watch carefully whilst burning as these may catch alight. Never leave any burning candles unattended. Burn out of reach of children and pets. Extinguish candles with a candle snuffer. Do not blow them out. Never use water to extinguish a candle. Ensure candles are placed at least 10cm / 4 inches apart and allow headroom above the candle for the heat to disperse. Ensure candles are burned away from flammable items. Candles should be burned away from other sources of heat such as television sets and away from direct sunlight. Candles should be burned in an area free from draughts. Trim wick to 1cm before lighting or relighting. If the candle smokes, extinguish and trim the wick. Remove all packaging. charms and labels before use. Use a suitable non-flammable holder. Ensure candles are burned in an upright position. To avoid damage to surfaces, always place candles and candle holders on a surface that will not be damaged by heat e.g. ceramic tiles or plates. Table mats are NOT suitable. Do not move candles when lit or the wax is still liquid.
WARNING: All of our products, herbs, flowers, spices, all ingredients, all own branded items, supplies and all items we sell, are sold on the understanding that you are using them for the intended magical/spell casting/ritual use only. None of our products are sold for medicinal use. None of our products, except those that are clearly stated (if in doubt, ask…) are sold to be used as skin care (to be used on the skin) or consumed. None of our products are sold to be smoked, ingested or used internally, in any way. Do not use on furnishings, fabrics, clothing, fixtures or fittings. Keep out of reach of children & pets. Items may stain. Many of the ingredients or herbs, roots, spices etc have well known ‘kitchen cupboard’ culinary names but you must not and can not assume they are of a culinary, edible or skincare grade. Keep away from children, pets and naked flames as many of our items contain toxic ingredients, cause an allergic reaction or include flammable ingredients. Magic, spells, ingredients, supplies, divination, dowsing and other services are not a substitute for medical help or advice, psychological help or advice, legal help or advice, abuse help or advice, or any emergency situation or emergency service. When using our products the customer agrees to using at their own risk. The Mama’s Magic & Mojo Team can not and will not take any responsibility for our products misuse or for any magical work undertaken on your behalf or advice given. What you do with our products or what you have asked for in a magical sense with spells, is up to you and is your responsibility. By purchasing any item from us, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to these terms. You have been warned.
Our products may not be the cheapest, and we make no apology for this as they are of exceptional quality and handmade and blessed by us with love, care and using the finest ingredients. We use real herbs, roots, powders, barks, petals, bones, shells & essential oils or herbal and flower blended oils, amongst many other traditional ingredients, in fact, many of the herbs have been foraged and dried by us from the Lancashire Moors, the Trough of Bowland, the Forest of Bowland and the Pendle Hill area. This area is special to witches as it is the site of the Lancashire Witch Trials in 1612. Some of our products will have a slight colour, but we never use chemical or fake dyes in our products. Some of our products will have a colour or tint, we use natural based oil dyes, these are usually made of such things such as beetroot, spinach, charcoal, coffee, saffron, turmeric etc, and this makes us stand apart from many competitors. Our own branded items are authentic, handmade and blessed by us and each one is made to order. They are not made in a factory using cheap fragrance oils and fully synthetic dyes like many shops sell. Our own branded items are made to our genuine family recipes that have been handed down.