Want to receive a monthly box of witchy goodies in the post?
Our monthly sub boxes, come in 2 sizes and are only sent out on one day a month. Our subscription boxes will have different themes every month. You can also have the option to join our Subscription Only Coven (The Wild Circle Coven – a social learning and practical online coven) for half price too! So take a peek below to see what wonders you’ll receive in our Witch Wares Box. Each box contains £60 worth of goodies and free shipping worth £5 for our standard sub box for just £35 a month, or GO BIG with our practitioner sub box and get £100+ worth of goodies with free shipping worth £8 for just £60! Our boxes contain handmade items to a theme and a little witchy themed freebie as a thank you for being a subber. This is what makes our boxes super special and is a fabulous way to create a magical library of supplies over the months in an incredibly affordable way.
What will You receive?
In every monthly box you will receive any of the following to a value of £60+ for the standard sub box or £110+ for the practitioner sub box. Exciting!
Handmade & Blessed
Spell Oil
10ml in standard sub box
100ml in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Herbal Blended Tea
25g in standard sub box
50g in practitioner sub box (2 x 25g)
Handmade & Blessed
Aura Spray
100ml in standard sub box
100ml in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Loose Incense
125ml in standard sub box
125ml in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Simmer Pot Mix
1 pouch in standard sub box
1 pouch in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Working Rice
125ml in standard sub box
125ml in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Floor, Door & Window Wash
50ml in standard sub box
100ml in practitioner sub box (2x50ml)
Handmade & Blessed
Spiritual Water
100ml in standard sub box
100ml in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
1 spellvelope in standard sub box
1 spellvelope in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Spell Salt
1 pouch in standard sub box
1 pouch in practitioner sub box
Handmade & Blessed
Witch Wax
3 in standard sub box
6 pouch in practitioner sub box
3 x bags of herbs
3 small bags in standard sub box
3 medium bags in practitioner sub box
empty 25ml glass Vial & Cork
1 vial in standard sub box
1 vial in practitioner sub box
Spell Candle
1 candle in standard sub box
2 candles in practitioner sub box
Mini Witchy Themed Freebie As a Thank You & Info Sheet
Everyone gets an info sheet
How It Works
Not only can you subscribe to our monthly box each month for just £35 a month for our standard sub box or £60 for our practitioner sub box (UK only), but you can also receive your box AND join our Wild Circle Coven Membership for half price too for just £45/£70 a month! If you are already a member of our online membership coven, let us know and we will cancel your existing membership subscription so you can get it half price with your box! You’ll receive an email from Mama Sal within 48 hours of signing up explaining your next steps and where to go for updates! (All via our Discord server).
Boxes will be sent around the 28th of each calendar month (please allow up to three working days after this in some circumstances due to weekends, bank holidays, illness etc). P&P INCLUDED IN THE PRICE! Each hamper will be sent in PLAIN mail bags without any of our branding on too, so no need to worry about nosy neighbours!
Your subscription details, confirmation emails and unsubscriptions are all handled by your own account on PayPal. Please make sure that PayPal has your CORRECT delivery postal address AND email address. You can unsubscribe at any time by going to your Pre-Approved Payments page on your PayPal account and cancelling the subscription – if you want to take a break for a couple of months, just unsubscribe and then start again when you want!
If you subscribe AFTER the 25th of each month you will receive your boxes from the following calendar month onwards.
So what are you waiting for?
Sub to the Witch Wares Box Today
From £35 a month
Cancel anytime via PayPal
Practitioner Sub Box Only
Subscribe to our practitioner monthly Witch Wares sub box only and receive your box every month.
£60 a month
(worth £100+)
Standard Sub Box + Coven
Subscribe to our standard monthly Witch Wares sub box AND our Coven Membership for half price!
£45 a month
standard box + coven
Practitioner Sub Box + Coven
Subscribe to our practitioner monthly Witch Wares sub box AND our Coven Membership for half price!
£70 a month
practitioner box + coven