Meet The Team
Who is The Lancashire Witch and the rest of the amazingly magical team.
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The Shop Team
Mama Sal / Sally Walker
Hi, my name is Sally and I am a traditional witch, voodoo mama (New Orleans voodoo) and author based in Lancashire, just around the corner from the famous Pendle Hill which was the site of the Lancashire Witch Trials. I am a barefoot in the grass, foraging, natural living, homesteading, nature-loving, folk magic practitioner and was born and raised as a traditional witch over 47 years ago. I have had the honour and pleasure of writing for, being interviewed for, or working with some amazing companies, brands, and media over the years such as The BBC, The Daily Mail, Fox News, USA Today, Reuters, The Walt Disney Corporation, Spirit & Destiny Magazine, Fate & Fortune Magazine and many, many more. I love collaborating with brands and businesses and love working with the media because I feel that traditional witches and folk magic are often overshadowed by Wicca. I have been teaching on the subject of folk magic, conjure and New Orleans Voodoo since 1995 and have taught, run, created and spoken at over 750 workshops and courses. With folk magic, the way we all learn is to be taught by another as back in the days of old, we didn’t have instruction books like we do now, and let’s face it, the books on traditional witchcraft you can buy these days are actually just Wicca books disguised as trad, because they wouldn’t mention worshipping deities if they were true traditional witchcraft now would they? 😉 Although raised as a British folk witch, I am also fully trained in Conjure (also known as rootwork/hoodoo) and New Orleans Voodoo and have been pretty much all my life due to my family being Creole. I am hugely proud of my Creole heritage and that is easily seen when I am running around cooking for everyone and making sure everyone is OK. I am part of a voodoo house and I am affectionately known within the house as Mama Sal. I was the founder and former owner of The Village Witch Shop, which was the UK’s largest witchcraft shop of its type at its time and was since 1995. However, in 2019, I handed the shop down to my eldest daughter Amy, who now then closed The Village Witch to work with me here at The Lancashire Witch in 2022 (which then morphed into Mama’s Magic & Mojo in 2024), the 2 shops merged as we moved from South to North yet our traditions stayed the same. To bring folk magic, that we love, respect and cherish to you with care, attention to detail and knowledge.
I am an urban micro-homesteader, forager, and qualified complementary therapist. I am a qualified life coach, business coach, nutritionist, flower remedy practitioner, and many other natural therapies, and am married, with gorgeous children, just like I was and all the children before me in my family, they were raised as witches too. They are, by far, my biggest achievement, and being a Mum is my favourite job in the world. I am also a Grandma to a bonny wee bairn! You can find my homesteading blog at Forage Cook Make Thrive.
I love to paint, work on mixed media art, digital art, and other art and craft pieces. I run a web development company and I used to be a primary school teacher and SENCO but left that behind when I moved back home, ‘up North’. I also write music (under the name Serasola and have done since the early 90’s). And last but not least, I am a huge gamer! I have been playing World of Warcraft since it started in 2004 (I play a Holy Priest in case you were wondering!), I also play many, many other PC/Console games as well as owning a rather large board game collection.
Magic to me, isn’t a hobby, it’s my entire way of life, my being, and it is held deep in my core. I work with all sides of magic and am equally happy to heal as I am to hex (when needed). I am also a Guardian (see below).
Amy Walker
Amy is our resident Tarot Queen. Reading both Tarot and Oracle cards since she was 5 years old and professionally for the past 8 years, Amy has an amazing reputation within the tarot world. We are privileged to have her here at the shop. But I am even more proud of her, as she is my daughter. As Amy was raised as folk witch and working with New Orleans Voodoo, you will often see here about the shop popping herbs in vials or running around after her gorgeous little boy, who has become quite the shop mascot since he was born 😉 She has a real natural talent when it comes to reading the cards. I never taught her tarot as reading cards was and still is, not my thing, but she has an amazing flare for them and often leaves her reading clients astonished at her accuracy. You can visit her website here: Amy is also a Guardian (see below) and a Mama in Training for our voodoo house.
Leanne Hanson
Not only is Leanne my big sister, but you’ll also often find Leanne in the shop as she gets stuck in answering customers questions or eating cake, (apparently the purple finger cakes are her favourite!). Leanne is a huge asset to the shop and the guardians team. In the shop she helps to create products, answer questions and point people in the right direction. She is also a Mama In Training for our voodoo house too along with Amy. She is awesome and we all love a Leanne hug! A Leanne hug makes everything right with the world. As a guardian she is there to protect our lovely workshop and group members when we do group meditations, past life regressions or pathwalking sessions. You can visit Leanne’s Wolf Witch Facebook page here.
Dave Nicholas
What is a witch shop without a lad in eyeliner? Yup, you guessed it, that’s our Dave! Often tagged on Facebook as ‘the baby brother’ Dave is the bringer of tarantula sheds, snakeskin, and other goodies (very tasty food!) to the shop and we will be stocking his gorgeous handmade grimoires and vervain poppets very soon. Dave is also the ‘calmer downer’ if I get panicky at 2 am, I mean who doesn’t want a little brother like that eh? He is also my anchor during workshops and retreat days as well as being very protective over the shop and all it’s team, Dave is our guardian angel and a member of The Guardians but more than anything he is loved very much by his family, especially his big sister, me!
The Guardians
The Guardians were formed over 12 years ago, some of stayed, some have left, some new ones have joined within that time, but we always remain a tight family of people who are there to protect the shop, our customers during workshops, pathwalking sessions, past life regressions, ouija board sessions, retreat days and within spellwork situations. Each guardian has their own field of expertise.
Sally, Amy, Dave and Leanne from the shop team are also Guardians.
Emma Dixon
Emma has been part of our shop family for almost 17 years, from being one of the original mods on our original Facebook group to being family. Emma is not only a TLW brand ambassador but also trained in conjure and New Orleans Voodoo along with Sally. She also is the supplier of all the lovely resin goodies you can find in the shop too! Emma is our greatest fan and we are her greatest fan in return! As a guardian, she is there to protect our lovely workshop and group members when we do group meditations, past life regressions or pathwalking sessions.
kelvin Sales
Kelvin and Sally have known each other since they were pretty much… well… kids 😉 With a deep connection to Sally, that just cannot be bought, Kelvin has joined the Guardians as another protector. Kelvin is able connect to people via energy, help, heal and soothe a situation. He also is very protective which is the perfect combination for a Guardian.
Ann Langley
Ann comes in for her Wednesday morning cuppa and chat and we often see her on Saturdays and we wouldn’t have it any other way! A TLW cheerleader from the very first day, a sister, mum, best mate all wrapped up in one is our Ann and we love her! As a guardian she is there to protect our lovely workshop and group members when we do group meditations, past life regressions or pathwalking sessions.
Ryan Mark
How do you describe our Ryan? Mysterious? Maybe. Caring? Definitely. Quite often all in black and with an air of sophistication you’ll see our Ryan on retreat days helping out and being my fall guy for all my terrible jokes (Sorry for picking on you Ryan 😉 ). He is caring, sweet and extremely knowledgeable and a fantastic addition to the Guardians. He is most definitely one of us!